All of the Aston Villa player medical records are now online in Playerpro Medical. Instead of entering the medical information into the FA Medical Handbook the information is entered directly into PlayerPro.
One of the main benefits for Roddy McDonald the club doctor is when he is travelling with the team. Roddy is now able to effectively have all of the players’ medical details with him as via any internet connection he can securely access the PlayerPro Medical database.
In addition to recording all injuries and treatments, Roddy is also able to link together all consultations, scans and treatments resulting from the one injury.
Like any other club doctor, Roddy is constantly receiving scans and reports on injured players from their visits to the appropriate specialist or consultant. These reports are scanned and attached to the player’s medical record. Where a scan arrives on a CD or DVD, because this is already in digital format, it is just a simple matter of again attaching this to the player’s medical record ensuring that everything medical is in the PlayerPro database.
One of Roddy’s key requirements in designing PlayerPro Medical was to ensure that there were excellent reporting facilities. When it comes to producing information for medical insurance or for a club to whom a player has been sold. PlayerPro reports give this information at the click of a button in a smart, professional format.
PlayerPro Medical follows closely the format of the FA Medical Handbook. Having all this online is a huge advantage. The added value though is in the experience and design that Roddy has bought to PlayerPro Medical through his time at Newcastle, Celtic and now Aston Villa. Together we have produced a medical database that has been designed specifically for the needs of football club doctors.